Feminist Myths
High culture and art history is filled with biblical and ancient roman or greek mythology, that carry oppressing narrative for women. Marguerite Wibaux imagines alternative storytelling that ends well,
empowering women through their representation.
Not a virgin. oil on canvas. 60x48. 2020
Oenone. oil on canvas. 16x12.
Artemis saving Iphigenia. oil on canvas. 40x30
Naiade's dare. oil on canvas. 48x60
Lilac. oil on canvas. 24x18
Dryade's secret. oil on canvas. 60x48
Hyppolita. oil on canvas. 24x18
Daphnee. oil on canvas. 30x24
Anemone. oil on canvas. 30x24
Eve and Adam. oil on canvas. 48x48
Appollo and Daphne. oil on canvas. 60x48